Tuesday 14 May 2013

Super Speedy & So Simple - Steak & Noodle Stir-Fry

Sometimes I really cannot be bothered to cook. If my oven wasn't so excruiatingly slow at pre-heating I'm sure I would eat a lot more pizza. Last night, after a run in the pouring rain I was so tired/cold/wet/hungry and had no food in the house so had to go shopping - to be honest, I did almost plump for a McDonalds. By the time I got home I just wanted to eat - which is when you need a recipe like this. With ready made stirfry sauce, you can have nice, hot food, have it now-ish (10-15mins) and it's filling and tasty enough for The Man too, Winner!

Last night I used Morissons Black Bean Stir-fry Sauce - but just add whichever one you fancy. BlackBean is lush with the steak though.

(We were so starving last night, I completely forgot to take a photo -  I will add one very soon.)

(Serves 2)
2tbsp sunflower oil
1 red pepper - chopped
200g ish sirloin steak - or rump - all fat trimmed off - cut into slivers/slices
160g bag baby spinach
180ml stir-fry sauce
300g straight-to-wok noodles (usually 2 x 150g packets)

  • Heat the oil in a large wok/frying pan and add the red pepper - fry for 2 minutes
  • Add the steak and fry for a couple of minutes until browned
  • Add the spinach, fry for a couple minutes, stirring, until starting to wilt
  • Add the sauce and 2 tbsps of water - stir for a couple of minutes - until boiling
  • Add the noodles, and stir through until heated and mingled with all the ingredients.
  • Divide between 2 bowls - et voila!
(prawn crackers are a good call here)

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