Wednesday 8 May 2013

A Sort of Chinese Spiced Vegetable Rice

Sometimes there is just no food in the house and you're too hungry to go out and shop for it. For me this is normally a lunchtime at the end of the week. At these times I need quick fix satisfier like this. It's not authentic chinese, just reminds me of chinesey flavours and you can just chuck in anything you have to hand that wants to be included. I just happened to have half a bunch of spring onions lying forlornley in my salad drawer and a few forgotten rashers of pancetta. You could chuck in some bacon lardons, chorizo, red onion, baby leeks, water chestnuts... the list goes on, seriously - just wang in whatever you feel like!

(Serves: Probably 2, but I ate the lot)
1 cup of white rice
1tbsp Oil
6 rashers pancetta - chopped
4 spring onions - chopped
10 cherry tomatoes - 1/4'd or 1/2'd
1 red chilli - finely chopped (I remove seeds, but leave them in if you want a fiery boost)
1 onion - white, red, whatever - chopped
2tsp soy sauce
1tsp chinese 5 spice

  • Cook the rice - 12-15 mins in lightly salted boiling water, or whichever method you like
  • Heat a wok over a high heat, add the oil
  • Fry the onions and Pancetta for 5 mins, 'til soft and tinged gold
  • Add the spring onions, cherry tomatoes and chilli to the wok
  • Stir fry for 5 mins or so, then add the soy sauce and chinese 5 spice
  • Stir for a few more minutes or until rice is cooked
  • Drain rice if need be, and add to the wok
  • Stir and Serve - et voila!

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